Pottery course in Florence

The Pottery Course at the Art Academy Leonardo da Vinci begins every Monday and takes place in the morning. The course covers the whole process from the forming of the pot at the potter\'s wheel, to the firing in the kyln and the decoration with brushes and colors. So you...

Pottery and ceramics Workshop

On Saturday, 27 September 2014 a group of work collegues came to our school to do a pottery workshop of 4 hours and it turned out really interesting! The people of the group were coming from many different countries: Germany, Arabia, USA, Hungary, Russia. The 10 participants split into 2...

Mostra Baccio Bandinelli, Scultore e maestro (1493 - 1560)

Museo del Bargello, Firenze Via del Proconsolo, 4, 50122 Firenze Dal 09-04-2014  al 13-07-2014 Baccio Bandinelli e Giorgio Vasari non godevano di buoni rapporti, tan’è che quest’ultimo definisce lo scultore “terribile di lingua e d’ingegno” , ma deve infine riconoscerne la grandezza descrivendolo come un “artista di fama eterna”: un...


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