Ai Weiwei

AI WEIWEI Opening Saturday, October 27, 2012, via del Castello 11, 18.00-24.00 Until February 16, 2013, from Tuesday to Saturday, 14:00 to 19:00 Closed on holidays and: 8, 25, 26 December 2012, 1 and 6 January 2013 GALLERIA CONTINUA Via del Castello 11, San Gimignano (SI), Italia tel. +390577943134 fax +390577940484...

Rembrandt seen by Morandi

Kabinett Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi - Loggiato Uffizi -  Florenzfrom 18/12/2012 until 18/03/2013 This comparison between two of the greatest engravers of the history, is done through 40 works (20 by Rembrandt and 20 by Morandi) on display in the exhibition hall of the Cabinet. Giorgio Morandi (Bologna, July 20, 1890 – June...

Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily KandinskyDalla Russia all’Europa13th October 2012– 3rd February 2013 Palazzo Blu | Sede espositiva | Lungarno Gambacorti 9, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 916.950 | , Palazzo d’Arte e Cultura PisaFondazione Palazzo Blu | Uffici | Via Pietro Toselli 29, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 24.225 |  This exhibition of paintings by Kandinsky at...

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