Reaching for the Stars: a journey to to the firmament of contemporary art

A rocket welcomes visitors entering the Reaching for the Stars exhibition in the courtyard of Palazzo Strozzi, and prepares them for the journey to the stars of contemporary art. A journey that also wishes to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation in Turin, one of the...

The Garden of Florence - Gli Orti del Parnaso

Many know the Orticoltura gardens because of the flower fair held here every year and the majestic Rooster’s Tepidarium, the large white iron greenhouse that dominates the surrounding landscape.However, not everyone knows of the existence of a second garden overlooking the Orticoltura gardens, often frequented only by residents, couples and...

A Giacometti - Fontana duet at the Museum of Palazzo Vecchio

Alberto Giacometti and Lucio Fontana duet in Giacometti – Fontana. La ricerca dell’assoluto (“The search for the absolute”), the exhibition hosted until June 4th in the Sala delle Udienze and in the Sala dei Gigli of the Museum of Palazzo Vecchio. These two pioneers of 20th century art, one of...

Light, Gaze, Presence: Y.Z. Kami in Florence

Light, Gaze, Presence, is the title of the exhibition of the Iranian artist Y.Z. Kami, that takes place in different spaces of the city: Museo Novecento, Museo di Palazzo Vecchio, Museo degli Innocenti and, exceptionally, in the millenary Abbey of San Miniato al Monte.The Iranian-American artist offers us 24 works...

5 among the best kisses in the History of Art

Art has always been the means through which mankind gave a tangible form to emotions, desires and fears. Therefore it does not surprise that love, being perhaps the strongest emotions of all and what every human craves, became one of the main themes throughout the history of art. Everyone loves...

Eleonora of Toledo, protagonist at Palazzo Pitti

Eleonora di Toledo and the invention of the Medici court in Florence, is the current exhibition at Palazzo Pitti, curated by Bruce Edelstein, art historian and professor at New York University Florence, which pays homage to the wife of Cosimo I de' Medici. Spanish noblewoman of great charisma, Eleonora of...

"Rudolf Levy (1875 -1944). Work and exhile" at Palazzo Pitti

The Uffizi Galleries pay homage to the expressionist painter, Rudolf Levy, with a retrospective that traces the tormented life of the artist.After fighting in World War I, Levy moved to Berlin, where he held his first solo exhibition in 1922. The nightmare of Nazi persecution led him to travel the...

La columna de San Zanobi

Si estarán en Florencia el 26 de enero, podrán ver una guirnalda de flores en la base de la columna de Piazza Duomo – bueno, si notan esta columna en primer lugar. Mucha spersonas, incluidos los florentinos, pasan por ahí cada día, sin caer en cuenta de la presencia de...

Pizza, from its origins to today

The ancestors of pizzaPizza, the most famous Made in Italy product in the world, has very ancient origins. Its first ancestor dates back to the time of the Ancient Egypt, when yeast was discovered, a fundamental ingredient for creating the dough for bread and focaccia which were then filled or...

The spectacular Michelozzo Courtyard in Palazzo Vecchio

Entering Palazzo Vecchio from the door that overlooks Piazza della Signoria on the side of the Loggia dei Lanzi, you will find yourself directly in Michelozzo's Courtyard, designed by him in 1453. Stuccos, paintings, grotesques, coats of arms and statues contribute to making the space spectacular, leaving all visitors in...

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