The Medici oranges

The Medici are known as great collectors and patrons of art and literature. Many also know about their great passion for botany and gardens. Almost every estate owned by the Medici family was equipped with magnificent parks that we can still admire and visit today, like the Boboli Gardens.What not...

Paseo fuera de la ciudad: El Parque Mediceo de Pratolino

Pongamos que vinieron a Florencia atraidos por el su inmenso patrimonio artístico, histórico y cultural. Pongamos que ya hayan visitado todos los museos e iglesias y hecho fotografías de las espléndidas panorámicas que la ciudad ofrece. Ahora a todo esto súmale que los días en este periodo son soleados y...

The lily of Florence

Florence is also called the "lily city", the red lily is in fact the symbol of the Tuscan capital, it can be found on coats of arms, on the shields supported by the Marzocco, on the historic Florentine buildings and as a symbol of sporting associations.This love between the lily...

Clet's Common Man on Ponte alle Grazie

On Ponte alle Grazie, a man leans out and bravely steps into the void. The man is that of the installation by Clet, a French artist who has lived for many ears in Florence, where he opened his studio in Oltrarno, becoming famous for his interventions on road signs. L’Uomo...

April 26, 1478: the Pazzi conspiracy

The members of the Medici family were as much loved by the people as they were hated by the rival families who aimed to take their place in power. Among these we find the Pazzi, also bankers, who harbored a visceral hatred for Lorenzo the Magnificent and Giuliano, his brother....

Ricipes of the tradition: Cecìna, a Tuscan or Genoese recipe?

Cecìna, or also chickpea farinata, is a delicious chickpea flour pancake, a dish suitable for all seasons that goes well with many foods. It can be found throughout Tuscany and Liguria. In fact, there is a dispute about the origin of this recipe between the two regions that has been...

Villa Bardini: art and wisteria

Villa Bardini is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular exhibition spaces in Florence, as well as a beautiful green lung of the city.It was originally Villa Manadora, built for Francesco Manadori in 1641 on a pre-existing medieval building. The property is located on the slope of the hill that descends...

Details of Florence: the bas-relief of Perseo and Andromeda at the Loggia dei Lanzi

Looking up while busy admiring the spectacular statues of the Loggia dei Lanzi including the statue of Perseus holding the head of Medusa (1555) by Benvenuto Cellini, you might have missed to notice the beautiful bas-relief placed right at the base of this statue.This square bronze bas-relief depicting an episode...

5 extraordinary female artists who have left a mark in the History of Art

The world of art is historically a world dominated by men, very little has been said about women artists compared to men artists, but this does not mean that there have not been women who have left their permanent mark in the history of art. Today we want to remember...

Lugares escondidos: La iglesia Santi Apostoli

One of the most ancient buildings in Florence is certainly the Church of Santi Apostoli. It faces Piazza del Limbo, so called because here once stood a cemetery for all those children that had died before they were baptized, who - as Dante described in the Divine Comedy - remained...

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