A reflection on the origin of modern fashion

How we dress, how we style our hair, how we decorate our body, is nowadays a personal choice, but in the past, there were rules to follow and it was not possible to appear in public dressed in improperly. Moreover, for the common people dressing nicely was not a necessity,...

Street Art en Florencia - Alien flower and mad dog

Another work from the Cure underpass - one of the main Florentine galleries of creative "vandalization" - caught our attention: signed by Skino, its title is "Alien flower and mad dog". The flower seems to influence the dog with its waves of “alien energy, making him crazy, almost as if...

Excursiones fuera de Florencia - Le Cave di Maiano (Las Canteras de Maiano)

Monte Ceceri is a hill between Fiesole and Settignano north of the city. A protected natural area, very popular with Florentines for walks and picnics, and for climbing. It is said that the name of the place derives from the nickname given by the Florentines to swans, once present in...

Street Art in Florence - When graffiti meets Street Art

Street Art also includes graffiti or writing, that is, the signatures that street artists invent with the utmost chromatic and graphic creativity and try to place in as many places as possible. On the walls, on the train sides, on the bridges pillars, etc. A desire or need to be...

Florentine summer recipe: Panzanella

Eating well in the summer can be difficult when the heat makes you want to give up cooking on the stove, but there is a traditional Tuscan dish that will solve this problem and will also stimulate the most refined palates, despite its simplicity: it’s Panzanella! A fresh and substantial dish, Panzanella...

Curious Florence: Red or black numbers?

It may happen that looking for the address of a shop becomes confusing for those coming from outside Florence, because in the Tuscan capital a differentiation is made between the house numbers, written in black, and those of commercial activities, marked with red numbers. The origins The civic numbering in...

Street Art in Florence - Of gazes and wrinkles

Street art is generally characterized by bright colors, but some artists prefer to use black and white, often for works of a more emotional nature. This is the case with these two portraits of elderly men, whose intense gazes convey sadness and a sense of loneliness in the observer.  ...

Giuseppe Veneziano en Pietrasanta - El plátano azul, cuando el arte también es divertido

Pietrasanta es una pequeña ciudad a 100 km de Florencia, cerca del mar y al pie de los Alpes Apuanos, de donde se extrae durante siglos el mármol con el que se han construido todos los monumentos toscanos. Siempre ha sido frecuentado por muchos artistas, en el pasado incluso por...

Más allá del Renacimiento en Florencia - La moderna casatorre de Leonardo Savioli en via Piagentina 29

Leonardo Savioli (1917-1982) fue uno de los arquitectos florentinos más importantes. Gran ilustrador, expresionista abstracto y pintor informal, profesor de la Universidad de Florencia. Se había graduado con Giovanni Michelucci y había participado en la planificación del Plan de Desarrollo Urbano de Florencia en los años posteriores a la guerra...

Stree Art en Florencia - Un mural contra la barbarie

Verano 2019. Antella, un antiguo pueblo de 3000 habitantes a pocos kilómetros de Florencia. Una escuela secundaria que lleva el nombre de Francesco Redi (1626-1697),  científico toscano considerado el fundador de la biología experimental. Una mañana, el pueblo se despierta y encuentra su escuela destrozada, manchada con dibujos y escritos...

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