Ancient techniques: Commesso Fiorentino

The Commesso Fiorentino, or Florentine mosaic, is a decorative technique that is often confused with the Roman mosaic from which it originates, and was used to create paintings, decorate furniture such as tables and chests of drawers or for wall coverings.The word “commesso” derives from the Latin verb “committere”, meaning...

The column of San Zanobi

On January 26th, in Florence we celebrate San Zanobi (Saint Zenobius) so you might see a garland of flowers at the base of the column in Piazza Duomo, aptly named the column of San Zanobi. This column is located next to the Baptistery, but many people, including Florentines, walk past...

The "sgraffito" technique in Florence

Dating back to primitive paintings and already widely used in the Middle Ages, the sgraffito technique was all the rage during the Renaissance, particularly in Florence and Rome, going in parallele with the spread of grottesca decoration.The name derives from the pointed instrument used for this technique, which was called...

Pitti Uomo 107 at the Fortezza Da Basso

The annual date with men’s fashion returns from January 14 to 17 at the Fortezza Da Basso with Pitti Uomo, the 107th edition, where the Fall/Winter 2025 collections of about 790 Italian and foreign brands will be presented. The theme of this winter edition is FIRE, which represents the passion...

Recipes of the tradition: Panforte

One of the most typical desserts made in Tuscany - in Siena to be exact - is panforte. A spicy and sweet cake that is consumed during the Christmas period along with the well-known panettone. This dessert has very ancient origins, it is the direct descendant of the pan melato,...

Florentine Masterpieces: The Allegory of the Immaculate Conception by Giorgio Vasari

The Allegory of the Immaculate Conception by Giorgio Vasari is a late Renaissance masterpiece housed in the ancient Church of Santi Apostoli. A small replica is also on display at the Uffizi. The painting, dating back to around 1541, was commissioned by Bindo Aldoviti, a banker and patron, for his...

The Gardens of Florence - Il Giardino dell'Orticoltura

The Horticultural Garden is one of the most beautiful green areas in Florence. The park is very big and extends to communicate with the Parnaso Gardens above, from which you can admire magnificent views.The park is located near Piazza della Libertà, beyond the Mugnone stream, in a residential area surrounded...

Impressionists in Normandy at the Museo degli Innocenti

It has been 150 years since 31 artists rejected by the academic art world, including Monet, Degas, Renoire, Cezanne, Pisarro, Delacroix, Courbet and many others, gathered in Paris in 1874 in an exhibition that marked the birth of the Impressionist movement. The Museo degli Innocenti celebrates this anniversary with a...

Agnolo Bronzino: court painter of Cosimo I De Medici

Agnolo di Cosimo, called Bronzino, one of the most refined painters of Florentine Mannerism, was born on November 17, 1503.He did an initial apprenticeship with Raffaellino Garbo and continued his training in Pontormo's workshop. Bronzino immediately showed great talent and took part in important commissions together with the master, including...

Curious Florence: Studium Generale, the first University in Florence

Via dello Studio is called this because here is where people actually used to study, a name attested since the sixteenth century, which took into account how in this street, at the civic number 1, where located the headquarters of the Studio Fiorentino. It is in fact the street where...

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