Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky
Dalla Russia all’Europa
13th October 2012– 3rd February 2013

Palazzo Blu | Sede espositiva | Lungarno Gambacorti 9, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 916.950 | , Palazzo d’Arte e Cultura Pisa
Fondazione Palazzo Blu | Uffici | Via Pietro Toselli 29, 56125 Pisa | Tel. +39 050 24.225 | | C.F. 93072470508 

This exhibition of paintings by Kandinsky at Palazzo Blu is particularly important as it presents for the first time works from museums of the remote Russian province. Kandinsky, when he was People’s Commissioner in revolutionary Russia before emigrating to the West, had the task of bringing art to the provinces. He had given many of his works to these small, new provincial museums so that they had something to show off. Some of these paintings on display at Palazzo Blu in Pisa are new to Europe and have been known in the West only with the opening of Gorbachev. For this exhibition, the paintings have made thousands of miles to get to Pisa from Omsk, Kazan, Tyumen, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod and other distant towns.

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