Recipes of the tradition: Schiacciata con l'uva

Tuscany is particularly beautiful at this time of the year. The days are getting cooler, the leaves slowly begin to change color and the warm and genuine dishes of Tuscan cuisine return to delight us. Furthermore, the harvest already took place and produced, in addition to the grapes for the famous Tuscan wines, also the Canaiolo grape, a little too rich in water to make good wine, but simply perfect for making the Florentine schiacciata con l’uva! This is a delicacy that you just have to try when you visit Florence in September and October, for the combination of bread dough, grapes, anise and sugar produces a dessert unlike any other you have ever tasted. For those who don't like eating grape seeds, there is also a seedless version of schiacciata.
Another recipe of the Tuscan culinary tradition as simple as it is tasty, but you have to try it to believe it!


-1.5 kg of black grapes, Canaiolo (in alternative, Moscato Nero grapes)
- 5 g of brewer's yeast
- 200 g of sugar
- 250 g of 00 flour
- extra virgin olive oil (or olive oil that has been previously aromatized with rosemary)
-5 g of salt
-warm water
-1 teaspoon of anise seeds

Gently clean the grapes with a damp cloth. Then put on the work surface 250 g of flour and place in the center 5 g of brewer's yeast precedently dissolved in a little warm water, 5 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, 25 g of rosemary oil; work gradually pouring about 115 g of water. Form a ball with the dough and let it rest in a warm place inside a bowl covered with a sheet of film for at least 1 hour, untill it has risen to double its initial volume.
If you don’t have time to make the bread dough yourselves, you can buy some in a bakery shop. Divide the dough in uneven halves and thinly roll out the bigger one with a rolling pin on a flat surface.
Place the base in a big pan greased with olive oil and brush it with oil, cover it with the grapes (save some for the topping), crushing them a little to make them penetrate into the dough. Sprinkle with 200 g of granulated sugar, anise seeds and with a bit more oil. Cover everything with the remaining dough making the edges adhere well and brush with oil. Crush the remaining grapes and spread over the top, sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar then cover with the transparent film and let rise for half an hour.
Bake in the preheated oven at 200 ° C for about 50 minutes. During cooking, often brush the surface with the liquid that forms on the edges of the pan.
Take it out of the oven, let it cool a little bit and enjoy. Schiacciata con l’uva is best when still warm!

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