Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo in Florence

At Villa Bardini is ongoing an exhibition dedicated to a master of Italian photography: Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo (Timeless).
The exhibition of the Neapolitan artist will be open until July 14th and includes eighty shots of great beauty taken between 1964 and 2011, that summarize his career in 6 sections: Anamnesis, Languages, Views of Naples, City, Nature, Seas.

Jodice's images seem to emerge from a timeless dimension, a dimension full of poetry in which the artist seems to stop to observe and imagine for a long time and then rework everything inside the darkroom. They are not stolen shots, they are images studied and created to convey a daydream on film.
He shows us his hometown, Naples, through eyes full of wonder and restlessness, through alienating landscapes, made of empty spaces and silences.
The artist also pays homage to Florence with shots that immortalize works by Michelangelo Buonarroti such as the Prisoners, the allegories of time (Day, Night, Twilight and Dawn) on the Medici Tombs or the Bandini Pietà.
Art that becomes art.
The exhibition is a must see and is accompanied by a documentary on the artist's life, made by a great friend of Jodice, Mario Martone.

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