August: Chiuso per Ferie

Visiting Florence in August has its downsides. Around the second week of the month, you will find yourselves walking the almost deserted city streets looking for a bar, restaurant or grocery shop that does not display the sign "CHIUSO PER FERIE" (closed for the holidays). That’s because most Florentines -...

Coffee: moka or espresso?

Coffee is consumed in large quantities all over the world, but it is a known fact that Italians are particularly fond of this drink, so much so that they have made its preparation an art. Coffee beans arrived in Italy, more precisely in Venice, from the East around 1570. Initially,...

The Rose Garden: a little piece of heaven in Florence

There is no better place to find inspiration for your art projects than in the Rose Garden, just under Piazzale Michelangelo. This garden was created in 1865 by Giuseppe Poggi, who also designed the piazzale, and it houses a collection of about 400 varieties of roses, lemons, and other plants...

The origins of the Italian language

Woe to speak ill of Florence to a Florentine, you could trigger a very heated discussion. Florentines have always been known for their patriotic spirit, proud of their city and their origins. We can't blame them after all, considering that in the past Florence has really played a key role...

Florentine curiosities: traces of ancient units of measurement

The meter is an object that we all have at home, to which we do not give much importance; often forgotten at the bottom of a drawer under the batteries and the rolls of adhesive tape. We certainly cannot consider it a luxury item. But what if we told you...

Caterina de Medici, a Florentine woman at the court of France

Daughter of Lorenzo di Piero de Medici, Duke of Urbino, and nephew of Pope Leone X, Caterina de Medici could have only be destined for great things. Although she remained an orphan after her birth in 1519 and was placed in a convent at the age of eight; thanks to...

Recipes of the tradition: Gnudi

Traditional Tuscan dishes never disappoint, always substantial, simple but tasty. They do not allow themselves to be corrupted by peculiar and refined ingredients, by embellishments and superfluous additions, they go straight to the point and above all to the taste! Gnudi are one of the many dishes of our territory...

The Tuscan “pane sciocco”

We can all agree that Italian bread is what dreams are made of; for us a good meal is not the same without it. But did you know that Tuscan bread is very different from the other Italian breads? Alas, for once, we’re missing something the rest of Italy isn’t:...

Recipes of the tradition: Torta della Nonna

We must admit that Tuscan cuisine is not renowned for its desserts, but the few that are part of the tradition are really special and delicious. One of them is the famous Torta della Nonna (Grandma’s Cake), everpresent on the tables of the Florentines. With a name such as this...

Cinema under the stars in Florence

Summer nights in Florence can be very hot, too hot to stay home watching a movie. So why not take your movie night outside? Here is a list of outdoor cinemas in Florence that might intrest you. First one on our list is Apriti Cinema, the summer cinema arena in...

What is the so called Florence Syndrome?

Finding yourself in front of Florence’s breathtaking masterpieces such as the David of Michelangelo or Botticelli’s Primavera or even stepping inside the stunning Chapel of the Princes in San Lorenzo, can cause some serious dizziness. But what if what you felt was more than simple dizziness and excitement? What if...

Tuscan traditional dishes: Schiacciata alla Fiorentina

It is known that Tuscan cuisine is a “poor” cuisine made of simple ingredients, but very tasty nonetheless and much appreciated worldwide. The typical Tuscan dishes are inked to the rural tradition and the products that come from the countryside, most of them have a story to tell. The desserts...

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