Shooting stars and the night of San Lorenzo

The shooting stars visible to the naked eye on the night of San Lorenzo are called Perseids, as they come from the constellation of Perseus. They form a meteor shower that the Earth passes through in the summer, during its orbit around the sun. Visible from the end of July...

Tuscan summer recipes: Panzanella

Eating well in the summer can be difficult when the heat makes you want to give up cooking on the stove, but there is a traditional Tuscan dish that will solve this problem and will also stimulate the most refined palates, despite its simplicity: Panzanella! A fresh and substantial dish,...

Museum of the Cenacolo by Andrea del Sarto in Florence

Beyond the Campo di Marte station, in the San Salvi area, lies one of the greatest masterpieces of the sixteenth century: the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto, the "painter without errors", painted between 1511 and 1530.Andrea del Sarto was twenty-five years old when he began working on the fresco...

Out of Town: San Gimignano, The Manhattan of the Middle Ages

San Gimignano is a city located south-west of Florence, born around the 3rd century BC. as an Etruscan village, strategically positioned on a hill that dominated the upper Val d'Elsa. According to tradition, the name derives from the saint, who defended the village from the occupation of Attila's Huns.The city...

A guide to the swimming pools in Florence

Summer can be cruel in Florence for those who don't have the chance to get out of town for a few days, away from the torrid streets of the historical center. Temperature rise higher with each passing year, leaving the Florentines to melt away even in the shade. If you...

Traditional recipes: Cantucci Toscani with Vin Santo

The most typical Tuscan dessert, which you will find in all restaurants, is for sure Cantucci Toscani, or Cantucci di Prato with Vin Santo.Delicious dry almond biscuits, strictly to be consumed dipped in Vin Santo! The sweet and crunchy biscuits go perfectly with this fortified wine typical of our region,...

Out of town: Villa La Petraia, a Medici residence

A few kilometers from Florence, in the hamlet of Castello, is located Villa La Petraia, one of the most spectacular residences the Medici family left us.The residence had several owners, including the Strozzi family, before passing into the hands of the Medici in 1544. It was Cardinal Ferdinando, who later...

Saint John's day: all you need to know!

On June 24, Florence celebrates Saint John's Day, the patron saint of the city. The choice of St. John the Baptist as patron was made only after the conversion of the city to Christianity, infact initially the patron saint of the city was the god Mars, his statue had been...

The game of Calcio Storico Fiorentino

June in Florence is all about Calcio Storico (or Calcio in Costume), the main event of the summer for the florentines. Legend has it that the game originated from the roman Harpastum, an ancient sport played by two teams who's goal was to get the ball - made of rags...

Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo in Florence

At Villa Bardini is ongoing an exhibition dedicated to a master of Italian photography: Mimmo Jodice. Senza tempo (Timeless). The exhibition of the Neapolitan artist will be open until July 14th and includes eighty shots of great beauty taken between 1964 and 2011, that summarize his career in 6 sections:...

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