ORSANMICHELE: between history and legend

THE LEGENDOnce upon a time in Florence, lived a Young man called Michele who dedicated his life to his work and to charity works he did around the neighborhood, he had such a good heart that people had started to call him “San Michele”. He owned a stable and horses...

The lapis lazuli protagonist at the Silver Museum

Precious, rare and beautiful, the lapis lazuli has always been a favourite among the artists for representing the sky and the sea in their artworks and the exhibition "Lapis lazuli, Magic of the Blue" at the Silver Museum in Florence is dedicated to those objects of art made with this...

The Russian Orthodox Curch in Florence

A short walk from piazza della Libertà, on a street named after the first Medici Pope, Leone X (famous for having excommunicated Martin Luther in 1521), stands a beautiful and unexpected architectural gem. We're talking about the Russian Orthodox Church of the Nativity of Christ and Saint Nicholas, know to...

Llewelyn Lloyd and the colors of Tuscany

Surprising as it may seem given his Welsh name, the british-italian painter Llewelyn Lloyd was actually born in Livorno. He is the sole protagonist of the new exhibition at Villa Bardini, the perfect venue for his luminous and colorful paintings, that gathers together 62 works focused on his depiction of...

Glen Brown: Piaceri Sconosciuti

Florence has finally accepted and welcomed with open arms contemporary art and the recent exhibitions are proof of it. Just like "Piaceri Sconosciuti" (Unknown Pleasures) by contemporary artst Glen Brown, that opened last week at the Bardini Museum. The famous British artist, in the past has held exhibitions in London,...

Back to 1927 with Salvatore Ferragamo

To celebrate the 90th Anniversary of Salvatore Ferragamo’s return to Italy from America, the Salvatore Ferragamo Museum has put on another great exhibition, that merges fashion and art to transport us back to the 1927 Florence. Carlo Sisi curated the exhibition that opened in May, entitled “1927 - The Return...

The towers of Florence

With the arrival of summer it will be possible to access the Torre di San Niccolò, Torre della Zecca and Porta Romana, usually closed to the public, and now opening their doors to visitors on selected days. The Torre di San Niccolò already reopened, as usual, on the occasion of...

The lost Market

Everyone knows the Mercato Nuovo (New Market) of Florence and the famous Loggia del Porcellino, built in 1547 by Giovanni Battista Tasso. Here, just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio, in origin was held the trade of silk and precious objects, but over the years this changed. Infact, from the...

Ytalia, contemporary art in Florence

Until October the 1st, Florence transforms from cradle of reinassence to cradel of Contemporary Art hosting the exhibition “Ytalia. Energy, thoughts, beauty. It's all connected”. The exhibition takes its name from the word "Ytalia" written at the end of 1200 by Cimabue on the margin of a painting representing almost...


In 1737, while the Medici dinasty died out with the last heir, Gian Gastone, the Doccia Manufactory, known today as Richard Ginori Manyfactory, was founded by the Marquis Carlo Ginori. It's the oldest manufactory of its kind in Italy, where it's been producing for almost three centuries the most incredible...

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