Street Art in Florence - Open Mind by RAME 13 at the Anconella Park
Festival dei Diritti is an annual event, born in Florence in 2017 and managed by the Municipality of Florence together with social and cultural organizations and associations. It offers a rich program of workshops, films, musical events, sporting moments and debates, all initiatives that must serve to give information and raise awareness on important problems such as racism, discrimination of all kinds and violence against women.
In the context of the first edition of 2017, this mural was created in the Anconella Park along the Arno, on the southern outskirts of Florence. The author, Ginevra Giovannoni aka RAME 13, is an established artist who has created many works in Italy and abroad. Born in Pisa in 1989, she has created works in Empoli (Jungle Groove), in Helsinki (the raft on the whale), many in Sant'Angelo di Roccalvecce with the cycle of the Paese delle Fiabe, in Ventotene (Blue flow) and many others.
This piece at Anconella, entitled Open Mind, focuses in particular on the theme of the fight against LGBT discrimination, and translates it into a fairytale language. It shows two animals of different breeds but both females, a lioness and a panther, with a tiger cub in the paws. Placidly lying in the sun, they form a beautiful family portrait. A metaphor for the possibility of creating a world of peace and serenity - where rights are not limited but expanded - through the love for others, tolerance and integration.
The style is
characteristic of the artist, who trained as a comic artist. It recalls
children's illustrations and fits perfectly with the environment of the
Anconella park, a place much loved by Florentine families.
Model of Brunelleschi's Dome in 1:1 scale made by Massimo Ricci at the Anconella Park in 2007 and the mural Open Mind by RAME 13 in the background.