The Medici oranges
The Medici are known as great collectors and patrons of art and
literature. Many also know about their great passion for botany and gardens. Almost every estate owned by the
Medici family was equipped with magnificent parks that we can still admire and
visit today, like the Boboli Gardens.
What not everyone knows though, is
that they were also great citrus
Since the Middle Ages, the
cultivation of citrus fruits for medicinal purposes had been present in
Florence. Thanks to travels and trades in the East, these fruits arrived here
and immediately fascinated the members of the Medici family, who had always
been very curious people, attracted by the wonders of nature.
The production of citrus fruits then
continued with Cosimo the Elder, Piero the Gouty and Lorenzo the Magnificent,
but it was with Cosimo I, in the sixteenth century, that this passion for
citrus fruits became proper collectionism. The Medici cultivated citrus fruits
for their own use and consumption, to be used as a special gift to send to
rulers and important people, but also for the propaganda purposes of the
dynasty: Cosimo I often associated the myth of the garden of the Hesperides and
the idea of the return of a new Golden age with its own
It was he, who also introduced the novelty of citrus fruits pot
cultivation for which there was no precedent.
Cosimo III later commissioned
several paintings that immortalized on canvas the many varieties of citrus
fruits - oranges, citrons and lemons - which over the years had been crossed
together to create even the strangest combinations.
First of all among these, the one called "Bizzarria", precisely because it is an absolutely bizarre and
unusual-looking creation.
Bizzarria is a so-called grafting "chimera", which
possesses the genetic characteristics of the bitter orange, but presents itself as three different species
of citrus fruits: bitter orange, citron and lemon, contained simultaneously in
the same fruit. The plant bears rather large fruits that are different
every year, with lumpy skin, variegated
in orange, yellow and green.
It is thanks to the Florentine Paolo
Galeotti, one of the leading citrus experts in the world and curator of the
botanical collections of Villa Medicea di Castello and the nearby Villa
Corsini, that was possible the rediscovery of Bizzarria, traces of which had
disappeared for almost two centuries.
Until 1980, in fact, when Galeotti
found some sprigs of it near Florence and replanted it to see the magnificent
fruits grow three years later.
In addition to the Bizzarria, among
the varieties of citrus fruit attributable to the Medici era we find the bitter
orange, the citron from Florence, the limoncello from Naples and the Adam's
The doctors loved all citrus fruits,
but especially oranges, the symbolic
fruit of the family. In fact, according to one of the hypotheses on the
symbolism of the Medici coat of arms, the 5 red balls on the yellow shield
could actually be oranges!