Enigma Pinocchio at Villa Bardini

The protagonist of one of the most read books in the world becomes the protagonist of an exhibition at Villa Bardini titled Enigma Pinocchio. From Giacometti to LaChapelle, open until March 22nd. Pinocchio, character born from the pen of Carlo Lorenzini, continues to fascinate us in his topicality, and has been a source of inspiration for many artists all over the world.
On display are 50 works by great artists such as Giacometti, LaChapelle, Munari, Paladino, Calder, Ontani, McCarthy, Jim Dine and Venturino Venturi, who have reinterpreted this mythical literary character according to their own poetics.
Sculptures in wood, iron, papier-mâché and bronze, paintings, photos, videos, and finally multimedia installations, which involve the visitors, turning them into protagonists of the Adventures of Pinocchio.

An exhibition for everyone, like the story of Pinocchio itself, which was never merely for children, but rather, for adults especially. A story full of misery and disquiet, but also of magic and comedy, capable of crossing through time.
Pinocchio is in each and every one of us, young and old alike, it is a metaphor for the human condition and will always remain a universal icon.
The exhibition at Villa Bardini relates very well this character who was born of wood, but was basically the most human of all.

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